I'm Morgan, and I am the founder of Morgan Lacey Hart. I am also in charge of designing, sourcing, heat-pressing, packaging, shipping, emailing, marketing, friend-making, & bbq-eating (this job has some perks).
In so many ways this journey is just beginning. Morgan Lacey Hart was founded in August 2023 out of my love for Texas State Parks. When I found an audience for my Texas State Park map, I also found an audience for minimalistic, but charming, western designs.
Wholesale launched in October 2023, and it's been all loose reins, no whoa since then.
When I am not designing (sourcing, heat-pressing, bbq-eating, etc.), I am probably watching baseball (my first love), solving a crossword puzzle (NYT - no googling allowed!), playing with my dogs (Apollo & Artemis because mythology and the space program rank highly around here), or eating HEB Bakery Tortilla Chips (straight, they don't need no stinkin' dip).